Welcome to my blog's new home. Here are the reasons for the move as stated on my previous blog:
I'm moving this blog to a new URL. Why, you ask? Mostly, I'm moving because I no longer feel the need to be anonymous. Quite the opposite: If I am willing to post an opinion, thought, or idea on the internet, I should also be willing to support that idea with my name. A great deal of cruelty comes from the anonymity allowed by the internet.
Also, if I am going to post my own writing and artwork, I damn well want people to know that it's my intellectual property! I am American, after all, and raised to hold ridiculous pride over works of my creation and to abhor the crime of copyright infringement above almost all else.
Finally, I also want to associate my blog with the small but growing world of Crowlivia. Olivia Johnson is a pretty common name. Crowlivia is not. Google "crowlivia" and just about everything links back to me. I'm a power hungry despot. Obviously.
Hopefully, this move will be linked with a resurgence in posting. Until I get going, feel free to visit my on-line
portfolio where I just posted some more work.
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