Monday, September 12, 2011

New Fashion Inspiration

I discovered the street fashion blog Advanced Style today.  I am forty or fifty years younger than the average woman Ari Seth Cohen features on his blog, but I have nevertheless found this collection more inspiring than any other fashion blog, magazine, or website I have yet seen.

Here is what I have learned:

You do not need to seem distant and cold to be fashionable.  The warmth and confidence that emanates from a smile will make a person seem more comfortable in her skin and thus more fashionable than those around her.  Evidence:

If you like it, then stop questioning it and wear it.

Embrace the hat.

And most importantly, don't wait around for your "best" body to appear. Wear what you love now in the incredible body you have. As Beatrix Ost, the woman below, says, "In your body is a good place to be."


As I was looking through the photos, I kept thinking to myself, "This is the kind of woman I would like to be in forty years."  I stopped myself.  Why wait?  This is the kind of woman I want to be right now.

1 comment:

  1. what amazing women...^^

    xoxo dear! :)
